fitness tips anyone? bet you all wrote me off!

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Re: fitness tips anyone? bet you all wrote me off!

Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:20 pm

I used to run and cycle in my 40's then after a ruptured disk damaged nerves to my left leg I had to pack in any exercise, pack in FT and rifle and get an automatic car. By continued daily walking I recovered 95% after a year.
After 20 years I developed polymyalgia and asthma and finished up with a carrier bag of meds per month. The 4 years of steroids did their share of damage too. So two years ago I took up morning walking then fast walking then jogging. I now jog 3.5km every other morning at 7mins 30 per km and apart from hypertension pills I am medication free. Cholesterol lower than when on the ghastly statins (nightmares and muscle pain). So proud I was jogging on the day I got my state pension.

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