Rat disappeared!

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Rat disappeared!

Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:28 am

Morning all, bit of an odd and slightly distasteful subject here but I am stumped!

So I have chicken and occasionally I'd get the odd rat show up, these get quickly dealt with and nothing for a month or so. Anyway the critters came back but I knew I had one somewhere as there were signs in the greenhouse from digging, I went out at night armed with my tx200 and red light, surely enough I caught his eyes dart back and forth to the bait, once he stopped for a nibble I pulled the trigger for a clean head shot and Mr rat was no more.

So after this I checked on the guy and he was definitely dead! The next day he was gone, no signs of the rat and no bait, do I have a zombie rat running around? No! A couple of days later I find a decomposing rat on the lawn, it looks like something had eaten him whole and regurgitated him back up. My question is what?? I have chickens so could it be a fox.

Sorry for such a long story for such a small question.


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Re: Rat disappeared!

Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:57 am

Rats eat each other,so if you shoot and leave, most times they will be gone by the morning, and no they ain't zombies :lol: .Rog

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Re: Rat disappeared!

Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:40 am

Also cats will remove rats and just play with them for a few days.the cat must have got bored and gave it back too you :mrgreen:
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Re: Rat disappeared!

Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:02 pm

Found many of the shot rats chewed up then sat in the high seat
And the fox was picking up the rats.
Then back for more, found 2. Or 3 like up have described.

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